Wow, I have finished, now what will I do with all that spare time?
My favourite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey were LibraryThing, the online image generaters and finding podcasts.....
The program has given me the confidence to experiment with Library 2.0 'things' and also made me consider the situations and applications at work which might lend themselves to these technologies. I think a lot of our services and products could benefit from the inclusion of a wiki, blog or RSS feeds. My lifelong learning goals are now firmly rooted in learning and trying out new things, rather than reading about and dismissing them.
I think the format for this program is good, as it provides a framework and timeline to follow but was flexible enough that you could catch up, miss bits etc. I would have liked a bit more interaction and encouragement among ourselves. This may have enabled others to feel more confortable asking for help or sharing their experience.
Thanks for the journey and the encouraging comments!!