Thursday, May 22, 2008

Thing #31 Plaxo

This appears to be similar to Facebook and MySpace but could be more useful for sharing articles, links and calenders with workmates. I like the look of it better than Facebook too! I'll have more fun with it later.....

Thing #29 Scrapblog

I LOVE it! Hours of fun. I could see some application for this at work for sharing photos on a blog for example. We have just received lots of photos of last week's ATO Litigation Forum and it would be fun to put them into a scrap blog with comments regarding speakers etc.

It is very time consuming and I couldn't do it from work as it wouldn't speak to my Flickr account etc.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Thing #27 - Photobucket

So far I still prefer Flickr, that may just be because I am more familiar with it and Photobucket is slow on our system..... It is good that you can add moving pictures, although I think Flickr is considering doing that too (to much opposition).

I tried to create a link to my photos but it doesn't appear to work...