Excellence in e-Government Award finalists announced
It's pretty exciting that these innovations are happening in government.... Here are the 10 finalists:
CDATA Online (Australian Bureau of Statistics)
Pre-filling of Income Tax Returns (Australian Tax Office)
Tax Office eLibrary (Australian Tax Office) - Intranet application only
Child Support Estimator (Child Support Agency)
Parliamentary Document Management System (Department of Employment, Education and Workplace Relations) - Intranet application only
Visa Wizard and the Citizenship Wizard (Department of Immigration and Citizenship)
eVisitor (Department of Immigration and Citizenship)
AusPat (IP Australia)
Northern Queensland Wildfire Mitigation Project (Tablelands Regional Council)
youthcentral (Victorian Department of Planning and Community Development)
I have only come into contact with a few of these, but they are great examples of how to streamline processes using new technologies.