Tuesday, July 3, 2007

RSS Feeds Thing #9

I set up a Bloglines account a while ago and find that I don't check my feeds very often. It is the same as other forms of technology in that it leads to info overload. The one thing it has been good for is keeping in touch with friends or colleagues who have their own blogs. It makes it easier for me to tell when they have posted.

I can see that in a work environment it would be good for current awareness (eg: feeds from the media and other Govt Departments: Parliament, Treasury, ABS etc). I would have to have Bloglines as my home page though or else I'd forget to check it each day! I did try setting up a Pageflakes account for the library with feeds etc but it takes too long to open and navigate around.

Anyway, moving along.....

1 comment:

  1. My RSS feeds are a bit like my email...overloaded. Technology such as this is great when it is carefully monitored.
