Thing #3: Blogger. I am still blogging happily away and hope to soon be using it more often at work with the introduction of the ATO's eLibraryBlog.
Thing #5: Flickr. I was using flickr already and continue to use it to share photos with my friends, family and contacts. I am about to start a photography course so anticipate that it'll get a lot more use soon!
Thing #8: Blogglines. I set up a bloglines ages ago with RSS Feeds from friends blogs and library and art sites. To be honest I haven't looked at it for months. I think I had just too much stuff saved and also have similar services in iGoogle and Pageflakes.
Thing #9: Finding RSS. I checked Technorati today looking for Australian Law blogs to add to the LSB Blog blogroll. I will make a note to check out the others mentioned also to see if they find different content. I am going to try out Google Reader also as it is useful to have all of the tools under one umbrella to cut down on logins and passwords.
Thing #10: Generators.

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